





 Angiology. 2008 Aug-Sep;59(4):408-14. Epub 2008 Jul 15.

Improvement in circulation and in cardiovascular risk factors with a proprietary isotonic bioflavonoid formula OPC-3.


Cesarone MR, Di Renzo A, Errichi S, Schönlau F, Wilmer JL, Blumenfeld J.

This study investigated the efficacy of isotonic bioflavonoid supplementation, OPC-3 on 61 individuals presenting with risk factors meeting the criteria for metabolic syndrome (61位有代謝症候群危險的個案). Subjects were supplemented with a proprietary isotonic bioflavonoid OPC-3 or placebo over 2 months. (補充OPC-3或安慰劑2個月) Plasma oxidative stress status was significantly lowered by 10.1% with OPC-3.(OPC-3顯著降低血液氧化壓力10.1%) All major cardiovascular risk factors were improved with blood pressure, total cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose lowered.(改善主要心血管危險因子:血壓.總膽固醇.及空腹血糖皆降低) OPC-3 significantly improved endothelial function (OPC-3顯著改善內皮細胞功能)as evaluated by increased vasorelaxation in reactive hyperemia and enhanced diastolic carotid artery flow. Cardiac ultrasound scanning revealed a significant increase of left ventricular ejection fraction. Skin microcirculation was enhanced, and better tissue perfusion led to significantly increased transcutaneous oxygen partial pressure and decreased pCO(2). With OPC -3 a dramatic and significant plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) decrease by 52.1% occurred.(體內發炎指標CRP顯著降低52.1%)  Individuals may improve key cardiovascular risk factors by daily supplementation with the bioflavonoid OPC-3 as an important part of a healthier lifestyle.


Publication Types:

Randomized Controlled Trial




  1.  愛尚它® (OPC-3)葡萄籽、松樹皮、紅酒萃取精華
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